The Land






At Truman State University we work hard to maintain environmentally sustainable and appealing grounds.  Therefore, we maintain the grounds in ways that allow them to reach their potential with little artificial involvement.

Landscape Management

167 acres of Truman’s campus are developed grounds under IPM, or Integrated Pest Management. This designation means that we take care to only use herbicides and pesticides when necessary and with caution. To back up this strategy, we work heavily on prevention, with techniques including aerification, overseeding, fertilization, weed barriers, and mulch. Pesticides are used sparingly and only on infected athletic fields.


Truman State’s University Farm lies adjacent to the Missouri Conservation Department’s Big Creek Conservation Area, an ecosystem with strong biodiversity that students often visit for various science classes. In the past, studies have been done on the on-site herpetology and parasitic populations. Additionally, we plant many native Missouri species to honor and support the area’s heritage. Most recently, in 2021, native flowers were planted along the sidewalk behind Missouri, BNB, and Dobson Halls.

Click here to view our Tree Page, which gives more detail on what our university is doing to support trees on campus.